Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Littlest Bible Student

You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. Deuteronomy 6:7

Isn’t it amazing how young children love to have the same stories read to them over and over again? I remember being very young and listening to The Cat in the Hat on my little Fisher Price tape player. I listened to it so much that I memorized the words, and I remember it being the first book I was able to read all by my self. My son Jacob is the same way. When he was two, he would have me read the same book to him every day before his nap and before bedtime; Giraffes Can’t Dance. If I happened to skip a line or miss a word, he was very quick to correct me.

Around the same time, my husband and I decided that we wanted to make sure and read the Bible to Jacob every day. We started doing this at night, and we read The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories. At first, we were simply going through a new story each night. The stories are very short, and they are written for very small children. Again, Jacob would really want us to read the same story over and over again. My husband, on the other hand, really wanted to make sure that we read through all the stories. We felt good about reading the Bible daily, but Jacob didn’t seem to be retaining much.

Then, one day I had an idea; one that should have come to me much sooner. You see, when teaching 5th grade math, I was always nagging the parents to make sure they studied the multiplication table with their 5th graders on a regular basis so that they would remember their facts. I told my husband that day, instead of reading Jacob a new story each night, we should spend a whole week on one story. He was skeptical at first thinking we would never be able to finish all the stories. But, we gave it a try.

Within a few nights, we both knew we had found a great way to study the Bible with Jacob. Because we read the same story each night, we were able to ask Jacob questions and talk with him about what we were reading. And, Jacob was very proud that he was able to remember the people and things that were going on in the story! That was about 9 months ago, and we are almost finished with The Beginner’s Bible. In addition to reading the story as a family at Jacob’s bedtime, Jacob and I also read it before he takes a nap each day. That means we are reading the same Bible story 14 times a week! Another thing Ryan started doing was reading the story and pausing so that Jacob could finish the sentence. It is amazing how a little boy can wiggle around so much during the story, but still knows exactly what’s being said! We now start a new story every Sunday, and on Saturday we have what we call Silly Saturday. On Saturday evenings, Ryan will read the story, but he will insert wrong words or names to see if Jacob has been listening. Jacob thinks this is SO funny! Most of the time, he is able to supply the correct word and we have lots of laughs.

Through all of this, I have learned that it is never too early to start regular, meaningful Bible study with your child. I will always cherish these times as a family!

I would love to hear how you study God's Word with your family. Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How We Got the Bible

I just finished this book by Neil R. Lightfoot.......How We Got the Bible: Third Edition Revised and Expanded.

It was one of those reads that left me saying, "Ooooohhhh, now I get it!" After reading it, I now know how important it is for every Bible student to study the origin of our modern day Bible. There are many ways to do this and many, many books to read on the subject. I liked this book because it was written in non-technical language while still presenting the information in an in depth way.

You can find it here on Amazon. I hope you will read it and let me know what you think!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Adoption as Sons

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!" The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. Romans 8:14-17

As I was sitting in worship one Sunday morning, trying to focus on the Lord, thoughts of my 3 year old son kept distracting me. On this particular morning, I was worried about how my Jacob was having such a hard time adjusting to his new church home. He had been fussing each Sunday morning before church about any little thing. He had told me at one point that he didn't have any friends in Bible class. And, each time we dropped him off for Bible class, he kept a scowl on his face and the teachers were having a very difficult time getting him to participate. It had been 5 months since our move to a new state leaving behind the only church family he had ever known. But, I really thought that he would adjust much quicker.

On that Sunday morning, with all of these worries and some tears, I was thinking about how hard parenting can be.................loving someone so immensely and trying to figure out the right things to do to help that little someone grow into a well adjusted Christian with a focus on Him. How, when they hurt, you hurt. How when they are difficult and willful, you worry and second guess. I was also thinking of how extremely wonderful it is to be Jacob's mommy. Since the moment I laid eyes on my son, I have been completely and totally amazed at my love for him and how every little thing he does and says is so special! It is liking wearing my heart on the outside of my body.

And then, it hit me. This is how our heavenly Father feels about us! He loved us SO much that He left Heaven to save us. And when we are obeying Him..........oh the joy and pride He must feel. When we stop to talk to Him, he probably hangs on every word. And when we are teaching others about Him, is he thinking, "That's MY child!"?

And, I also realized that when we turn our back on Him, what a great sorrow and loss it must be.

In Romans 8, the Bible tells us that those who are being led by His Spirit have received a spirit of adoption as sons. And for that reason we can cry out, "Abba! Father!"

My son Jacob is adopted. Although he did not grow in my womb, I know that God created me to be his mother. I thank God so much every day for the blessing that Jacob is to me. I have learned so much and know that I have much more to learn.......he is still only 3! But today, I wanted to share with you one of the most profound lessons that I've learned as a I can see how my heavenly Father feels about you and me. We are His children! His sons and daughters. He loves us, and wants nothing less than to have us in Heaven with Him. And not only that...........He has revealed to us how to get there! Through His Son. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

I praise Him for choosing me!

What has being a parent taught you about your heavenly Father? If you haven't become a child of His, what is standing in your way? I would love to hear your comments and/or help you as you think about becoming one of His.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Must Read

I have always enjoyed reading a good book. Lately, I have been enjoying the author Karen Kingsbury. She is a Christian fiction author who has written several series and several stand alone titles. I am currently reading her Redemption series. They are very hard to put down! I like Kingsbury's books, because her characters express their faith or you can see them as they come to believe in God and obey him. I have been very encouraged by them.

In addition to fiction, I am trying to alternate a fiction book with a non-fiction book about the Bible or Christianity. The first of these books was a book Ryan had to read for school. It is called The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus by Lee Strobel. The back of the books says,

A Seasoned Journalist Chases Down the Biggest Story in History

Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God?

Retracing his own spiritual Journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal Editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools like Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis, who are recognized authorities in their own fields.

Strobel challenges them with questions like How Reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence exist for Jesus outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the Resurrection was an actual event?

Reads Like A Fast-Paced Novel

Strobel's tough, point-blank questions make this remarkable book read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it's not fiction. It's a riveting quest for the truth about history's most compelling figure.

What will your verdict be in The Case For Christ?

I enjoyed this book tremendously! It was very faith building to read about all the historical evidence for Jesus. I really think it will help me as I share my faith with non-believers. I hope that you will check it out, and tell me what you think after reading it.

Friday, January 16, 2009


....for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. I Timothy 4:8

Godliness - Reverencing God, and his character and laws; obedient to the commands of God from love for, and reverence of, His character; conformed to God's law; devout; righteous; as, a godly life.

The Bible, in numerous passages, talks about the godly and encourages us to be godly. Personally, I have understood the reason why I should strive to live a godly life - it is my response to the grace offered to me by Him through faith in his son Jesus so that I could one day live with him in Heaven. And, I fully understand that what I do will not earn me a ticket to Heaven, while on the other hand, faith that produces no fruit is a dead faith (James 2:26).

But today, after reading the verse quoted above, I noticed something new. It's the phrase, "promise for the present life." I have often only thought about the "promise for the life to come." Heaven. But we have promise for NOW. Today.

So, how does trying to live a godly life hold promise for me today? How does it contrast to the ungodly life? Being a Christian does not exempt me from life's hardships; sickness, death, heartache, poverty, etc. These things are experienced by all, Christian or not. But, I have noticed without a shadow of doubt the blessings that come when I try to pattern my life after Him. When I love and submit to my husband in a godly way, we fight less and work together SO much better. When I forgive someone a wrong, God takes away the burden of holding a grudge and He forgives me. When I choose not to engage in the "night life" that is so popular among people my age (okay, who am I kidding, I am quickly getting older than that!), I can avoid some of the consequences that come from those activities; addictions, sexual sin......the list goes on. When I choose to serve instead of be served, I get to witness how the love of Jesus changes people's lives for the better. When I spend my time with other Christians worshiping or working, I am encouraged to keep on running because I am not alone. What an awesome God we serve who blesses us in this life AND the one to come!

In what ways have you been blessed here in THIS LIFE by trying to do it His way? I would love to hear how that promise reaches you personally. So, please share!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Everything We Need............

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3

We sing with our children at church, "Neglect your Bible and forget to pray and you shrink, shrink, shrink".......and while we sing, the children "shrink" until they are laying on their stomachs on the floor. It is such a cute song with such a profound message.

Daily. Bible. Reading. This spiritual discipline has always been a tough one for me. Taking the time to read God's word. And, reading with a focused heart. You can read more about my personal attempts at becoming a regular Bible reader here. It has been about 8 months since I started the Milk, Meat, and Honey daily Bible reading program. I have stuck with it pretty well, and it has been a HUGE blessing in my life. I must have been starving before............but, now I am being fed everyday from many different parts of God's word. Again, if you'd like to know more about Milk, Meat, and Honey go here. This was Ryan's post about it.

From Blogger Pictures

2 Peter 1:3 tells us that we can KNOW what to do in our lives to be godly through our knowledge of HIM. There aren't any mysteries. He has laid it out for us in his word. I pray that you will find a Daily Bible Reading program that will work for you. Whatever you choose will be nourishing to your soul.

What gets in the way of you reading His word daily? If you are reading daily, please share the method that works for you. I can't wait to here your comments!

Oh, yeah! The second verse of the song we sing with the children is, "Read your Bible and pray everyday and you grow, Grow, GROW!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jesus, the Mediator of a New Covenant

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel. Hebrews 12:22-24

I can't remember the day or time when I came to believe that Jesus was God's son. I was taken to the church that my Grandma and her sisters were founding members of in my hometown since I was a newborn. We went every time the doors were opened. My dad was a song leader. My parents met at that church, and both sets of my grandparents and some aunts and uncles all attended. So, I always knew that one day I would confess Jesus and be baptized for the cleansing of my sins.

When I became a teenager, I started to struggle with the WHEN. When would I make that commitment to God? Was I ready to live a Christian life? I had long reached the age of knowing right from wrong, but I was very unsure that I could live a life without sinning. And that was the problem. I thought being a Christian equaled not sinning.

The summer I was fourteen, I started to talk with some friends from church about being baptized. If I remember correctly, these conversations happened at Camp Bandina. A few weeks later, on a Sunday night after worship, an elder who worked very closely with the youth approached me and said, "Amanda, I hear that you are thinking about being baptized?" I told him yes, I had been thinking about it. He asked, "What is holding you back?" I told him something about not knowing if I was ready. His next words will forever be etched in my memory. "Amanda, do you sin?" I told him yes. "Are you responsible for those sins?" Again, I replied with a yes. "Amanda, wouldn't you like those sins to be washed away?" I can't remember what I told Farmer Krejci that day, but I do remember being convicted of my sins for the first time in my life and wanting SO badly to have Jesus take them away for me.

On the way home from church that night, I told my dad that I wanted to be baptized the next Sunday. Looking back, I should have done it right away! Nevertheless, we went home and told my mama, and the next Sunday we all went to church. It was July 7, 1991. When the invitation song was being sung, my dad walked with me to the front.........I was SO nervous! After filling out the response card, Virgil Davis asked me if I wanted my Dad to baptize me. I hadn't even thought of WHO would do the baptizing and never thought it could be Daddy. I said yes! So, on that day, in front of my family and church family who had known me my whole life, I confessed Jesus and my precious earthly daddy baptized me for the cleansing of my sins. It was a happy day! After the closing prayer, I came out of the little room by the baptistery and the youth group surrounded me and sang "We Love You with the Love of the Lord". (Below is a picture of that youth group just weeks before coming home from Camp Bandina.........I am the blond girl in the bottom left with the striped shirt.)

That day was the beginning for me like it was for so many others. That day I made a covenant with God through his son Jesus.............a covenant that at that time, I still didn't fully comprehend. Yes, I knew enough and was ready to make the covenant, but I had so much to learn. In the days, months, and even years after being baptized I struggled with keeping Jesus as my focus. I still held to the thought that being a Christian simply meant not sinning. During those times, sin was so enticing, and I often felt guilty because I knew I was not living the life that I had promised to live. I was faithful in my attendance and involvement with the church, but at other times I was doing things that were contrary to God's will.

Through it all, though, God has always provided the straight path for me to choose and follow. As I have gotten older, saying no to temptations has become easier. Especially with the encouragement of my husband and church family. Also, I have come to realize that it is much more than living right. It's the WHY we are living right; it's the excitement of knowing He has won the victory; it's looking at my life here on earth as temporary; it's seeing His mission for me to shine His light to others. My prayer today, is that I continue to seek God, know His ways better, and DO THEM! I get the DON'Ts..........and now I am ready to live a life that shouts the fact that I am planning to be with Him in Heaven and that I want others to be there, too.

What was your beginning like? If you have not had your beginning yet, what is holding you back? I would love to hear your comments.


Friday, January 9, 2009


Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3
I have been encouraged by my husband to start a blog with my faith in Jesus as the focus. Today, I accepted his challenge and am excited about opening my heart to others as I attempt to do that. I entitled this blog "Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus" because I have come to realize in my Christian walk that Jesus has not had the center stage. I was trying to do all the "rights" and avoid all the "wrongs" and was forgetting the WHY. There is so much that can be taken from the verse I listed above, but right now I simply want the emphasis to be on Him. Jesus. The author and perfecter of our faith. His life, death, and resurrection are the WHY! That is what the Gospel is all about: the good news about Jesus and God's power to save........US!

So, Welcome!